Client Protection
Depositing funds into your Financix trading account is easy and secure using our depositing method, which allows you to deposit funds via credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard (we don’t accept American Express at this time), and via Bank Transfer. Simply click on the deposit method you want to use to get started.
Financix is the trading name of Sanus Financial Services (PTY) Ltd, a financial services company subject to the regulation and supervision of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) with registration number 2020/659426/07, FSP number 51523 and authorization date 10/6/2021. The offices of Sanus Financial Services (PTY) Ltd are located at 17 Midas Avenue, Olympus, Pretoria, Gauteng,0081 South Africa.
We take the security and safety of clients’ funds as our top most priority. At Financix our client funds are held up in a segregated account away from the firm’s own accounts and held at reputable EU banking institutions. We take great measure to ensure that all deposits made with us at Financixare entirely secured in every possible manner.
More so, at Financix clients funds cannot be accessed without the client permission for options other than those for which we have authorization. We adhere strictly to Anti-Money Laundering Regulations at Financix.